
Every year the two holidays that mark the shattering of time arrive accompanied by an unholy, consumeristic, commercialization that confuses anyone willing to ask questions like, “What is this season actually about?" The birth of the Son of God and his resurrection from the dead is presented in contexts that include a fat man delivering presents via reindeer and a rabbit dropping off processed sugary treats. Dylan was right. ‘The times are a changin.’


I’m not anti-Santa (though his whole coal-in-the-stocking thing is a bit absurd. How about just a passive aggressive note? Sorry. That’s Seattle talking). I don’t necessarily hate the rabbit either. Yes, I read both Old and New Testaments and neither seems to have problem with the man from the North Pole or with rabbits. Jana and I play along every year. Someone asked me this week why we participate with Christmas being that we're Christians. Here’s my simple response: if there’s anything our children need these days it is for moms and dads to foster imagination and creative thinking in those who still have a spark of wonder to them. And yet, living in our city of Seattle with so many ideas, religions, world views, and so on… It can be challenging to remember what is the Christ-mass all about?

Who is invited to behold the King of glory?

Is it for priests, pastors, and seminary graduates?

Is Christmas for humanitarians, philanthropists, and social workers?

Is it for mail-carriers, bartenders, and recycling collectors?

Is it for Amazon execs, baristas, and a stay-at-home dads?

Is Christmas for the well-dressed, perfect-smile, non smokers?

Heck, does your Christmas liturgy even count if it isn’t accompanied by vestments and spoken in Latin?

What if Christmas service is the only other time you darken the door of a church (Easter being the other one) baring a tragedy or wedding?


Why is the Son of God laying in a borrowed stable, held by his teenage mother, surrounded by buzzing flies and puffing beasts?


Exactly who is He here for?


Christmas is for the busy executive who cannot peel herself away from the desk or phone to get home to the husband and children that love her so much. 

Christmas is for the man who swore in God's name in the shed last Saturday he tripped over his son’s bike. 

Christmas is for the one who just can’t seem to quit.

Christmas is for the one who wants to quit on life and check out a bit early.

Christmas is for those who cheat on their income taxes in April in order to stuff one more thing under the tree in December.

Christmas is for those who lie to their spouses about where they’ve been.

Christmas is for those who take an extra five minutes on their smoke break.

Christmas is for those who make excuses and somehow always have someone to blame.

Christmas is for the day-laborers standing outside the Marathon gas station on HWY 16. 

Christmas is for the fireball seminary student, who is worried more about Greek syntax than the state of his own soul. 

Christmas is for those whose life did not take the shape that they hoped or thought that it would.

Christmas is for the one whose dreams were crumpled by a stinging word from a grown up.

Christmas is for those who had their childhood robbed and has landed them in therapy in their late thirties.

Christmas is for the one who falls asleep in church because that’s the only time his soul actually feels at rest - among God and his children.

Christmas is for the one who is brokenhearted and can’t see through the fog of his own thoughts. 

Christmas is for the guy caught in traffic for the 5th time this week.

Christmas is for the mom who can’t seem to lose the baby weight and it drives her crazy.

Christmas is for those whose lives appear to have amounted to nothing more than a lump of coal. 

Christmas is for the couple whose marriage is shipwrecked.

Christmas is for the one who left his zipper down and paid the price for it in 5th grade.

Christmas is for the one who prefers not to show his crooked teeth... ever.

Christmas is for the one who tracked dog sh*t into the living room twice in one day.

Christmas is for the person who is more concerned over the words “dog sh*t” than “Syrian refugee”, “homeless child”, “sex addict", or "white supremacist." 

Christmas is for the tired cook riding the 5 bus up Aurora tonight.

Christmas is for the one who’s daddy told him he is “a big pile of mistakes.”

Christmas is for the person who gets nervous in a crowded room. 

Christmas is also for the person who can’t stand the thought of being alone in a room.

Christmas is for the parent who lays awake at night wondering whether not she is doing “good enough” at raising a child.

Christmas is for those who give up on New Year’s resolutions by the end of the first week.

Christmas is for the one who belly-flopped off the low dive in July at summer camp and is still blushing in embarrassment in December.

Christmas is for grumps, grinches, and greedies. 

Christmas is for the one who needs good Friday Grace and Easter Sunday hope. 

Christmas is about a Father who cannot stand the thought of being apart from his children one more moment.

Christmas is for me.

Christmas is for you.

"No One Has to Pretend"


"One Saturday morning as I was running on a trail that wound through a neighborhood park, a group of boys from two college cross-country teams flew past me. Their bodies were sleek and strong. They wore uniforms that made them all look like Olympians. They were so fast that I began to feel like a lumbering truck that wasn't going to make it up the hill. About the time I had recovered from this indignity, the girls' team raced past me with all of the grace and speed of gazelles. When I finally got to the end of the trail, all of the real runners for long done and were talking with their coaches. And there I was, doubled over, sucking wind, and telling myself there's no such thing as a good run.

As I slunk away from the crowd toward my car, I noticed another group of runners starting to reach the end of the trail. This group had no fancy uniforms. They wore baggy gym shorts and T-shirts with something hastily scrawled cross them. A few were running hard, but most had a clumsy pace. the cross-country teams immediately moved back tot he finish line and began cheering wildly as each of these last runners stumbled to the end. Curious, I went over to get a closer look and noticed that this last group of runners were all developmentally disabled. Some of them had very obvious handicaps, but they still ran. They had not interest in the coaches' clipboards and stopwatches, and they seemed oblivious to the fact that this was a race. They were running with abandon for the sheer delight of it. A few were being pushed in wheelchairs. Then two girls who had Down syndrome appeared at the end, walking, holding hands, smiling and waving to those of us who clapped and kept on clapping. No one cheered more loudly than I. And when I got back to my car, I couldn't stop crying. 

Why were we all cheering so enthusiastically for these kids with handicaps? Maybe it was because we were proud of their resolve not to be limited. Maybe. But a poet would wonder if there is something in all of us, something essentially human, that envies those who are graced with the opportunity to live without veneer. They certainly knew more than I did about the joy of running in a park on a crisp fall morning. 

Joy cannot be analyzed, strategized, or explained. It can only be entered, and the portal into joy is confessing the truth: We are not whole. No one has to pretend, and the truth feels so good that we just want to cheer whenever someone exhibits it."

M. Craig Barnes, The Pastor As Minor Poet: Texts and Subtexts in the Ministerial Life, pp. 37-38.



Going On and On About the Love of God

Rembrant's "The Return of the Prodigal Son"

Rembrant's "The Return of the Prodigal Son"

Over the past couple of years I've often been asked whether or not I believe in repentance or the pursuit of  holiness because I talk so frequently about the love, grace, and compassion of almighty God. Questions about whether or not I’m being faithful to the entire witness of Scripture pop up, and I find myself giving the same answers again and again. I thought it might be helpful to put a few thoughts down here.


Burned Believers

First, I’m unapologetic about being so brazen with my commitment to be “that guy” who goes on and on and on and on about the love of God. In my 37 years in the church, I’ve never heard too much about the love of God. In fact, I’ve never met a single Christian from Lima to London who has been overly saturated in the love of God. Instead, I’ve met countless believers who’ve been burned in all kinds of fires. Some have been burned badly by horrible church leadership, and they’re at home on Sunday mornings missing Jesus and his people. Others are burned out through religious performance, serving God and others, frantic Marthas who can’t just sit still for a moment and let God be God. Still others have been burned by particular sermons on the dreadful wrath of God, the incomprehensible nature of God, or the overwhelming lip-searing holiness of God, leaving so many outside in the front yard as a stranger, rather than snuggled up in the living room as a child with their Abba.



Yes, snuggled. I used the word snuggled in reference to the God of the universe, maker of heaven and earth, the one to return to judge the living and the dead. Snuggled is a personal word, an intimate word, a sacred word, because it communicates vulnerability, childlike trust, and unwavering confidence that God can be who he says he is and not what the religious cops of the day portray him as. Being hell-bent on rule keeping and tedious nitpicking reveals that it is possible to read all about someone (i.e. God) but never actually know them or be changed by them.


Hallmark Christianity

When Jesus says “come to me and rest” (Matt. 11:28), or “make your home within me” (John 15:4), or “as my father loved me, so I have loved you” (John 15:9), he is not establishing a hallmark card Christianity, filled with trite sayings, something to give a little pick-me-up on a gloomy Monday Seattle morning. He’s offering a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for rebels on the outside to pull up a seat at the table on the inside, receiving what was theirs from eternity past—a glowing, vibrant, unshakable identity as Abba’s child.


This does not for one moment downplay the holiness of God (1 Sam. 2:2).

This in no way diminishes Jesus commands to walk in holiness (Matt. 5:30).


Kindness that Leads to Repentance

Embracing our identity as the beloved children of God in no way pushes us away from repentance. In fact, the first stop on the journey of God’s kindness is repentance! For it is the kindness of God that is intended to lead us to repentance (Rom. 2:4)! What I’m committed to preaching to myself, my wife, my children, and anyone who will give me the time of day is this—God is love, and God welcomes us on the grounds of the Good Friday cross in which he suffered the wrath of God in our place for our sins, and to dine, eating fish on the beach with his grinning Easter-face by, in, and through the Comforter, the gracious Holy Spirit who draws us even now to sit still, feel his hand on our shoulders, and hear the words spoken to St. John on the Isle of Patmos, spoken now, "Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever!” (Rev. 1:17-18).

The grace of God is in no way in opposition to holiness, God's grace, applied by the Holy Spirit leads us deeper into Christlikeness which is another way of saying "holiness."

St. Patrick's Breastplate

I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through the belief in the threeness,
Through the confession of the oneness
Of the Creator of Creation.

I arise today
Through the strength of Christ’s birth with his baptism,
Through the strength of his crucifixion with his burial,
Through the strength of his resurrection with his ascension,
Through the strength of his descent for the Judgment Day.

I arise today
Through the strength of heaven:
Light of sun,
Radiance of moon,
Splendor of fire,
Speed of lightning,
Swiftness of wind,
Depth of sea,
Stability of earth,
Firmness of rock.

I arise today
Through God’s strength to pilot me:
God’s might to uphold me,
God’s wisdom to guide me,
God’s eye to look before me,
God’s ear to hear me,
God’s word to speak for me,
God’s hand to guard me,
God’s way to lie before me,
God’s shield to protect me,
God’s host to save me
From snares of demons,
From temptations of vices,
From everyone who shall wish me ill,
Afar and anear,
Alone and in multitude.

Christ to shield me today
Against poison, against burning,
Against drowning, against wounding,
So that there may come to me abundance of reward.

Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.

I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through belief in the threeness,
Through confession of the oneness,
Of the Creator of Creation.

–St. Patrick, 5th Century 


On Being Salt and Light: Excerpt from the Epistle to Diognetus

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"They dwell in their own countries, but simply as sojourners. As citizens, they share in all things with others and yet endure all things as if foreigners. Every foreign land is to them as their native country, and every land of their birth as a land of strangers. They marry, as do all [others]; they beget children; but they do not destroy their offspring. They have a common table, but not a common bed. They are in the flesh, but they do not live after the flesh. They pass their days on earth but they are citizens of heaven. They obey the prescribed laws, and at the same time surpass the laws by their lives.  They love all men, and are persecuted by all. They are unknown and condemned; they are put to death, and restored to life. They are poor, yet make many rich; they are in lack of all things, and yet abound in all; they are dishonored, and yet in their very dishonor are glorified.  They are evil spoken of, and yet are justified; they are reviled, and bless; they are insulted, and repay the insult with honor; they do good, yet are punished as evildoers."

– The Epistle of Diognetus, V, (Circa 130)

MLK on the Good Samaritan


“On the parable of the Good Samaritan: I imagine that the first question the priest and Levite asked was: 'If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?' But by the very nature of his concern, the good Samaritan reversed the question: 'If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?' The Good Samaritan engaged in dangerous altruism.... The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige, and even his life for the welfare of others. In dangerous valleys and hazardous pathways, he will lift some bruised and beaten brother to a higher and more noble life."

Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 26-27.

N.T. Wright on September 11, 2001


"September 11, 2001, serves as a reminder of what happens when you try to organize a world on the assumption that religion and spirituality are merely private matters, and that what really matters is economics and politics instead. It wasn't just concrete floors, it was massive towers, that were smashed to pieces that day, by people driven by "religious" beliefs so powerful that the believers were ready to die for them. What should we say? That this merely shows how dangerous "religion" and "spirituality" really are? Or that we should have taken them into account all along?"

And Summer Was Over


And just like like that... summer was over. 

Second grade and Kindergarten are knocking on the door and Mom and Dad are as desperate as ever. We are whispering the same prayers that I suppose every God-fearing Mommy and Daddy pray at the brith of their children and then again and again throughout life. 

"God protect her." "God be near." "Please help us."

These are the real prayers. The true prayers. The kinds of prayers that filled the Temple on Passover or in the hushed silence of a Good Friday Apostle hidden in a room upstairs. We mean these prayers in big ways.

Coloring, after all, is serious business in Kindergarten.

I sometimes wonder if Joseph and Mary enjoyed summertime with the boy Jesus....

Staying up until way after the sun went down. 

Campfires on Thursdays and Monday morning snuggles.

Perfecting cannonballs in the lake, special treats for no reason other than the fact that it is summer, and sleepy stories in a hammock.

The Evangelists don't tell us much about the boy Jesus other than that he showed up in the temple one day and taught everyone a thing or two about the Divine because, you know, he was about his Abba's business. I don't know why they don't tell us much about his boyhood but I do imagine the laugh of Jesus' 6 year old voice would shake you and me back into childhood if we could hear it right now. 


Walter Brueggemann on Generosity


On our own, we conclude:
there is not enough to go around

we are going to run short
of money
of love
of grades
of publications
of sex
of beer
of members
of years
of life

we should seize the day
seize our goods
seize our neighbours goods
because there is not enough to go around

and in the midst of our perceived deficit
you come
you come giving bread in the wilderness
you come giving children at the 11th hour
you come giving homes to exiles
you come giving futures to the shut down
you come giving easter joy to the dead
you come – fleshed in Jesus.

and we watch while
the blind receive their sight
the lame walk
the lepers are cleansed
the deaf hear
the dead are raised
the poor dance and sing

we watch
and we take food we did not grow and
life we did not invent and
future that is gift and gift and gift and
families and neighbours who sustain us
when we did not deserve it.

It dawns on us – late rather than soon-
that you “give food in due season
you open your hand
and satisfy the desire of every living thing.”

By your giving, break our cycles of imagined scarcity
override our presumed deficits
quiet our anxieties of lack
transform our perceptual field to see
the abundance………mercy upon mercy
blessing upon blessing.

Sink your generosity deep into our lives
that your muchness may expose our false lack
that endlessly receiving we may endlessly give
so that the world may be made Easter new,
without greedy lack, but only wonder,
without coercive need but only love,
without destructive greed but only praise
without aggression and invasiveness….
all things Easter new…..
all around us, toward us and
by us

all things Easter new.

Finish your creation, in wonder, love and praise. Amen.” 

Eugene Peterson on the Congregation


“Congregation is composed of people, who, upon entering a church, leave behind what people on the street name or call them. A church can never be reduced to a place where goods and services are exchanged. It must never be a place where a person is labeled. It can never be a place where gossip is perpetuated. Before anything else, it is a place where a person is named and greeted, whether implicitly or explicitly, in Jesus’s name. A place where dignity is conferred.” 

Eugene Peterson, The Pastor: A Memoir, 40.

Frederick Buechner on Grace


“The grace of God means something like: Here is your life. You might never have been, but you are because the party wouldn't have been complete without you. Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid. I am with you. Nothing can ever separate us. It's for you I created the universe. I love you. There's only one catch. Like any other gift, the gift of grace can be yours only if you'll reach out and take it. Maybe being able to reach out and take it is a gift too.”

Brother Lawerence on "This King"


“I regard myself as the most wretched of all men, stinking and covered with sores, and as one who has committed all sorts of crimes against his King. Overcome by remorse, I confess all my wickedness to Him, ask His pardon and abandon myself entirely to Him to do with as He will. But this King, filled with goodness and mercy, far from chastising me, lovingly embraces me, makes me eat at His table, serves me with His own hands, gives me the keys of His treasures and treats me as His favorite. He talks with me and is delighted with me in a thousand and one ways; He forgives me and relieves me of my principle bad habits without talking about them; I beg Him to make me according to His heart and always the more weak and despicable I see myself to be, the more beloved I am of God.” 

– Brother Lawrence, Practice of the Presence of God

Pray Like Children

*Here's an excerpt from tonight's Foundations Class at Redemption Church on Spending Time with God in Prayer.



"I find your lack of faith disturbing." –  Darth Vader

Jesus said

"Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matt. 18:3).  

Not theologians. Not missionaries. Not rabbis. Not church planters. Not millionaires. Not geniuses. Not famous. Not scholars. Not busy bodies. Not know-it-alls. Not power-hungry authorities. Not grumpy nit-picky religious folks.

Children. Let that sink in. “Become like Children.” Isn’t that what you always wanted anyway? To be a child. Isn’t that what you want today as a busy urban-dwelling resident of Seattle? 

Childhood that includes finger paint, Superman ice cream, grubby sneakers, light sabers, bath time, and the joy of asking billions of questions. 

When it comes to prayer, I’ve found that moving towards a place and posture of claiming my identity as Abba’s beloved child is when I say my most honest and perhaps my most effective prayers. As a child, I am needy. As a child, I am vulnerable. As a child, I am dependent. As a child, I sometimes throw a fit. As a child, I get really excited. As a child, I am trusting. As a child, I don't know it all. As I child, I can be taught. As a child, I can say that "I'm sorry" from my heart. As a child, I can say what I'm really thinking. As a child, I know where I belong and to Whom I belong.

When I embrace my childhood that I receive through the Spirit by the Lord Jesus, crying out to my "Abba!" (Gal. 4:6), I find that I’m not worried so much about getting my technical theological language just right. Sure, theology counts big time. But in those moments I just want my Abba. As Abba’s child, I really don't find myself doing all the talking, telling God what I want him to do for me.

As a child, I am there because I am at peace. I am there because I want a relationship. I am there because I know I'm genuinely liked. Yes, my Abba is quite fond of me and has moved heaven and earth to be with me. In this space and understanding, bland monochrome monologue fades out and creative, colorful dialogue, conversation, intentional presence and loving stillness happens. I think this is closer to the heart of what the Lord Jesus had in mind as he reconciled the world to God. 



A Meditation by St. Melito (Circa 190 A.D.)



For he was born a son,

and led as a lamb,

slaughtered as a sheep,

and buried as a man,

and rose from the dead as God,

being God by his nature and a man. 


He is all things.

He is law, in that he judges.

He is word, in that he teaches.

He is grace, in that he saves.

He is father, in that he begets.

He is son, in that he is begotten.

He is sheep, in that he suffers.

He is human, in that he is buried. 

He is God, in that he is raised up.


This is Jesus the Christ,

to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen. 

A Ragamuffin's Prayer

Excerpt from The Reckless Love of God

Jesus, you have no idea how bad I’ve been. 

Yes I do. In fact, I expected worse out of you than you expected out of yourself.


Jesus, what if I don’t ever get any better?

I’ll always love you. 


Jesus, what if I do it again?

We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. I’ve got a plan. 


Jesus, what if I just give up on you?

I’ll never quit on you. 


Jesus, how do you expect me to forgive ______ when they’ve been so hurtful to me?

Just give them what you get from me. Grace. Just charge it to my account.


Jesus, but what about how insensitive they’ve been to me? 

Charge that to my account too. 


Jesus, I’m tired.

I’ll be your rest.


Jesus, are you mad at me?

You’re the apple of my eye. My beloved.


Jesus, what do you want me to do for you?

Don’t be so quick to work for me. Everybody wants to work for me. I want you to know me and live in my love and acceptance of you.


Jesus, what if I fall asleep when I pray?

I’m happy you feel comfortable in my presence. Rest well. I’ll see you when you wake up.


Jesus, what if I don’t understand all of the Bible?

I am the Word of the word.


Jesus, I don’t know where I belong.

You belong with me. 


Jesus, what if I’m lazy?

You’re not lazy. You’re just distracted. We can change that.


Jesus, I’m mad. 

I’ll take your anger. 


Jesus, I’m disappointed. 

Keep looking at me. 


Jesus, I’m sad. 

I know. I see you right there. Want to talk to me about it? 


Jesus, I’m drunk.

You’re my friend. 


Jesus, I stole.

I’ll take care of it.


Jesus, I’m lustful. 

Give me your heart.


Jesus, I hate myself.

My love for you will drown your hate of you. 


Jesus, they told me I could lose my salvation. Is that true?

If you could lose it, don’t you think you would’ve lost it by now? I don't drop anything. Especially my people. You're safe. 






I Am A Child of God and I Have A.D.D.

Me and A.D.D.

I was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) at the age of eight, and I took Ritalin all the way until my junior year of college. It is not uncommon for me to sometimes joke about my ADD nowadays. However, growing up, it wasn’t something that I was keen to letting anyone know about—though it was fairly obvious to my classmates and teachers that I was more interested in anything (SQUIRREL!) than my actual school work. I had no idea that at the age of 37, I would be drawing from this part of my life in very practical ways to serve the people of Redemption Church here in Seattle. What a great God we serve and wonderful people we get to share life with! 



What do Attention Deficit Disorders have to do with Jesus and pastoring? Well, recently one member in our congregation reached out to talk to me about his child who has been diagnosed with ADHD. In particular, he asked, 


How do you get a child to believe that they are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:4), when they believe they have a 'deficit' and a ‘disorder?’



That question hit me like a ton of bricks! It was something I’d wrestled with my whole life! I took some time to reflect, jot my thoughts down, pray, and then respond. Since then, I’ve been in touch with the Dad and asked him if he’d mind if I shared a couple of these thoughts, in light of my experience with a similar diagnosis, and he responded with a green light! So, here are some of my thoughts on A.D.D. and being a Child of God.



Acknowledging My Limitations

First, I responded by saying that a Christian counselor would probably give a much more informed answer than I could, since they are better trained to think through all of the theology and psychology involving a situation like this one. Having acknowledged my limitations, I proceeded to help in the best way I could. 



I Have A ‘Disorder'

I spoke of my self-hatred that came along as a byproduct of ADD. I believed that something was very wrong with me, and thus I rejected myself, and a deep sense of self-hatred went down into my heart. Additionally, when my ADD did affect a regular routine in life such as forgetting where my house keys were, my dad would sometimes ask, “Did you remember to take your Ritalin today?” He didn’t do this to shame me or embarrass me—not once. The man was and still is my hero. He championed grace and love in ways that I’ll always strain to grasp. He was genuinely trying to help me grow. However, words like “deficit” and “disorder” towered over me in those moments and all I could hear from my Dad was, “Geez, Alex… can’t you just get it together?” Thus, unknowingly and unintentionally, this compounded the fracture for me and wasn’t as helpful as it could have been. Hindsight is 20/20, isn’t it? Perhaps there were other ways of reminding me that wouldn’t have resulted in so much shame.   



Still in the Image of God!

Being “fearfully and wonderfully made” by God and yet having words like “disorder” attached to you can be so frustrating! As a Pastor, I highly value the medical community and I believe they are another unbelievable grace of God given to serve his world. However, a doctor’s diagnosis in no way removes the image of God from a person, the love of God for a person, or the plan of God over person’s life. The image of God is stamped onto every single human being. Sin and its effects did not knock us down a rung to the animal kingdom in which the image of God is not found. Rather, we are still fearfully and wonderfully made by our loving Creator, though we are born into a broken world. 



Small Words and BIG Words

Additionally, like all of God’s children, we each have some things about us that we’d change immediately about ourselves if we could. Some would be taller. Some would weigh less. Some would be more athletic. Some would have a higher IQ. Some would be married and have kids. Some would live in other places on the earth, and on it goes. Part of the good news of the gospel is that though these things are often with us our entire lives, our God loves us and has sent the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, and comfort us even with the things that frustrate us about ourselves. 


Having ADHD is simply one word, a smaller word, a man-made word, that human beings use to describe something biological about us. However, we’re not bound simply to use words of biology. We’re also blessed with Bible words—God’s words, theological words. The Bible uses words like “Child,” “Son/Daughter,” “Image-bearer,” “beloved,” “chosen,” and “cherished” to speak about our identity. These are the BIG words, the TRUEST words, the FIRST words, and the STRONGEST words about us, to us, and over us. 


Throughout life, we all battle with our identity, don’t we? 

"Am I O.K.?"

"They call me ‘________.’" 

“Am I enough?” 

“Have I measured up?”


As Christian moms and dads it is imperative that we remind both our children and ourselves daily that

Above everything else I am/you are a child of God come what may.


A Few Bullet Point Takeaways:


To Pastors:

  • Acknowledge your limitations especially in the areas in which you may not have as much training as someone like a licensed therapist.


  • However, don’t allow your limitations to keep you from speaking boldly and creatively as you seek to apply God’s Word to a person’s life.


To Parents:

  • Never use A.D.D. (or anything else!) to shame your child. Shame is to have no place in a child’s life.


  • Lead out always with God’s Words of loving affirmation as the First Word that as you speak about man’s words regarding a ‘deficit’ or ‘disorder.’


  • It never hurts to remind a child that it won’t always be this way.



This Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is not in Scripture but rather was created by Anna Jarvis in 1908 and it was recognized as a holiday in 1914 in the United States. Long before 1914, Moses commanded the people of God are to “honor your father and mother” (Ex. 20:12).

This Sunday is Mother’s Day and I plan to be honoring my wonderful mother, Bevy, and my beautiful bride, Jana, of 13 years who partners with me in the raising of our two precious children. I have tremendous respect for the role that mothers occupy in this world. As a kid, I didn’t know what I had being raised by Bevy. Now, as a 37 year old, I can see that I was graced in more ways than I’ll ever know. With Jana, that blessing is multiplied again. Grace upon grace. 

"An excellent wife, who can find?” asked King Lemuel (Prov. 31:10). An excellent woman, an excellent friend, and an excellent mother really is a treasure. 

As a pastor preparing to preach on this special day, I’m very conscious of the fact that not everyone shares in the same joy that I have when thinking about Mother’s Day. There are all kinds of women in our church here in Seattle that feel very differently about this day and to roll past my sisters without stopping to listen, to think, and to pray for them betrays the very fact that they’re my family in Christ. 

I want to encourage my brothers and sisters and others who, like me, will be ministering on Sunday to stay mindful that not everyone is jumping up and down to celebrate. This doesn’t mean that we don’t celebrate. It simply means that in our celebrating, we’re also thinking of one another and that is a beautiful expression of the gospel.

Some women:

  • have never married and are without children, 

  • are single mothers,

  • have gone through miscarriage,

  • are widowed,

  • are infertile, 

  • had terrible childhoods and no longer speak to their mothers. 


For some ladies, Mother’s Day is a trigger that digs up deep pain and our God has a close eye on each moment, memory, and heartache (Psalm 56:8; 1 Peter 5:7). The Holy Spirit is the Great Comforter (John 14:26) and would have us "comfort one another” (2 Cor. 1:4). Paul tells us that we are to “Be happy with those who are happy and weep with those who weep” (Rom. 12:15). 


As we head toward Sunday, may we keep our eyes on Jesus and seek to bless one another... be it with flowers or tears. 




Why and How to Go to Church



A post on Why and How to Go to Church may seem like a silly thing to write on. However, after serving as a pastor over the last ten years, I’ve seen that it’s the simple things that matter. Just as Jesus emphasized the power of faith even as small as a mustard seed (Matt. 17:20, Luke 17:6), a simple thing like a lack of church participation will grow into stagnated disciples. Stagnated disciples result in churches being less effective in their communities, because the focus is skewed away from the glory of God and our enjoyment of Him.  


So, here’s a few things on going to church.


Actually Go to Church

I know the word “commitment” scares us. However, we are all committed to certain people, places, and practices. Who and what you’re committed to reveals your priorities and values. When it comes to worshiping with the whole church on Sundays, those who faithfully, regularly, and consistently participate do so because they’ve likely met Jesus. 

The writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews says that Christians are to “not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Heb. 10:25). Interestingly, he points out that some folks in the early church fell into the “habit” of the neglecting corporate worship. One thing we know about habits is that they are hard to break. What's even more frustrating about unwanted habits is that we know that they became habits by willful, intentional repetition. The Scriptures clearly admonish us not to fall into the habit of skipping out on gathering with the family of God but to make it a regular part of life. 


Go to Church with a Purpose

Notice that part of coming together is to “encourage” each other because there’s coming a “Day” that will end all Sundays. Christians worship a God that rose from the dead on a Sunday, and the day that he returns will be the last “Day” as we know it. Can you imagine if this past Sunday was the last Sunday you’d ever gather with the church? Some may roll their eyes at this question, but it’s a real question because of a real promise. You see, every Sunday when we leave corporate worship we all head back to a tough world with real pain, real sin, real questions, real frustrations, real doubts, and so on. We need all the encouragement we can get from one another. So, one of the major reasons for going to church is not for ourselves only but to build one another up, to point out the wins, to pray for each other, and to remind one another of our God who loves us, is with us, and will return for us.


Go to Grow

As followers of Jesus, we go in order that we might grow. Paul reminds us that we are to “be transformed by the renewing of our minds” (Rom. 12:1). This is done as we gather with other brothers and sisters around the preached Word of God and the sacraments of communion and baptism. We grow as we pray with and for one another. We grow as we confess our sins. We grow as we worship. We go to church because we cannot grow alone. There’s a common statement here in Seattle (and in many other places) that is utterly foreign to the Bible, and indeed to many persecuted Christians all over the globe today, that says “I can grow in my faith without being committed to the church.” There’s so many things wrong with this kind of thinking, but for the sake of brevity—that is simply self-righteousness at its peak. As you thumb through the pages of the New Testament, you won’t find any lone rangers seeking God devoid of the church. God himself dwells in community (i.e. Trinity), he created human beings to be in community, and he’s rigged the whole Christian faith to be one in which we are interdependent upon each other. Yes, God meets with us privately in Bible study and prayer, but this is not to come at the expense of the “Body of Christ.” Paul tells us that the church is like a human body in which every part is needed. “The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I don't need you!’ And the head cannot say to the feet, ‘I don't need you!’” (1 Cor. 12:21). 


Is church frustrating sometimes? Yes. That’s because it is a gathering of sinners in need of the grace of God. Remember coming in from recess in school when everyone’s dirty, sweaty, thirsty, and dying to get to the water fountains? There’s pushing, shoving, name calling, and waiting our turn that tests our limits. Church can feel like that. Everyone is coming for a drink of water and we can be quite selfish about getting our needs met first and foremost. However, God says that we’re family and that we need each other and should put others interests ahead of our own (Phil. 2:3).


3 Practical Things on Going to Church:


1) Prepare on Saturday

Many simply pop up out of bed on Sunday morning and scramble to get to church without being too late. However, Jesus gave his life for your soul. So, think it through. Go to bed earlier. Pray with your family for a moment the night before about getting good rest and that God would meet you on Sunday morning. Pray for the Sunday School teachers and Kids workers, pray for your pastor, and pray for your time in what I grew up calling “Big Church,” aka the “Worship Service.” 


2) Be on Time

Every day of the week we are expected to be on time to jobs, appointments, practices, and so on. Rather than scramble in while the first song is going, be there a few minutes early to get kids checked in, settle in, and talk to a few folks. 


3) Stay for the Whole Service

This may sound silly, but it’s necessary. Here at Redemption, we put some serious time and energy into our liturgy, which literally means “work of the people.” We believe that the entire worship service is vital for our growth as a church family. Thus, to leave right after the sermon and skip communion, giving, prayer, worship through song, and the benediction indicates that our consumerism has crept in and is in need of repentance. So slow down, and make some space, because the God who loves you wants to commune with you.


***My friend Virginia Spotts edited this post for me. Hit her up! 


Jesus Remembered

Can you be saved from your sins and receive eternal life on your deathbed? Does it even count?

We sometimes hear about “deathbed conversions,” in which someone repents of sins and confesses faith in Christ in the final moments before their death. Some might question whether such a “last-minute” conversion is legitimate being that the person has supposedly lived a life of sin and is now asking for a “free pass” to heaven. Does God actually save people like that? 

What happens when someone repents of their sins on their deathbed, and they don’t get to live out a life of repentance, take communion, be baptized, join the church, or live a life for the glory of God? What happens to that person?


To find an answer to these questions, we can look at the example of “the guy on the cross” next to Jesus on Good Friday.

When Jesus was crucified, there were two other men crucified alongside of him (Matt. 27:28Mark 15:27-2832Luke 23:33John 19:18). Luke’s Gospel is the only one that tells us about one criminal crying out for salvation:

One of the criminals who were hanged railed at him, saying, ‘Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us!’ But the other rebuked him, saying, ‘Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation?  And we indeed justly, for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong.’ And he said, ‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.’ And [Jesus] said to him, ‘Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.’”
— Luke 23:39-43

In his last dying moment, Jesus promised the one repentant thief that he would be with him that day "in paradise."

How do we know this man underwent a real change, a real conversion, and was given a new heart there on his cross? We can actually look at what Luke records him saying there next to Jesus as evidence that on his cross, Jesus gave the dying thief a new heart.

Let's look at what the thief says in his rebuke of the other criminal scoffing at Jesus:


Most people in their dying moments are reflecting on their life, relationships and this is accompanied oftentimes by thoughts of fear and God. This man had is in utter agony experiencing death at the hands of men. However, he was not merely looking at men, he sensed the presence of God in Jesus. 


In his rebuke of the mocking thief, the now redeemed man confesses that their punishment is "just." They had broken the law and this was their punishment. He was aware of his moral failure. He knew his own sin. 


We also observe that the man testified from his cross that Jesus did not deserve a criminal’s death, for he had done "nothing wrong!" In making this statement, the criminal was acknowledging that Jesus was “without sin” (Heb. 4:15) and that his punishment was unjust. 



He acknowledged that Jesus is King of God's Kingdom, but he took it a bit further and made a request of Jesus. He asked Jesus to "remember him." The people of God often use the word "remember" throughout the Old Testament in prayer to God. Interestingly, when it the word "remember" is used it is always in the context of petitioning the God that they know will act on their behalf! The man was asking Jesus for more than to think of him–he's asking for Jesus to act on his behalf! That's exactly what Jesus is accomplishing on his cross! Acting on behalf of his people – bearing our sins and taking them away.  

So, can someone be saved from their sin and be given eternal life on their deathbed? Yes! 

The grace of God is so vast and amazing that if the thief on the cross and the Apostle Paul were to ever bump into each other in heaven, and the question they were asked, "What did you do to get in here?" Both could reply, "Nothing. Jesus remembered me. Jesus acted on my behalf." That, my friends, is grace and grace alone.