A Short Catechism

Q: Who made all this?

A: The only God (Gen. 2:2). 


Q: How bad is my sin?

A: Blacker than the blackest hole (Rom. 6:23).


Q: How far away are my sins from me?

A: "A great gulf has been fixed." "As far as the east is from the west" (Lk. 16:26, Ps. 103:12).


Q: How clean am I in the presence of God? 

A: You are as clean as Jesus Christ. (2 Cor. 5:21)


Q: How disappointed is God in me? 


A: “You are the apple of my eye.” “You are my darling child.” “Please refer to me as ‘Abba.’” (Ps. 17:8, Jer. 31:20, Rom. 8:15, Gal. 4:6). 


Q: How many times will Jesus forgive me? 

A: At least 70x7 (Matt. 18:22). 


Q: Will God bring up my past? 

A: "You are hidden with Christ in God" and "your sins are on the bottom of the ocean floor" (Col. 3:3, Micah 7:9). 


Q: Precisely how many good works do I need to do to go to heaven? 

A: Zero. Jesus did them (Eph. 2:8-9). 


Q: Exactly what can stop the love of God from getting to me? 

A: "Nothing in all creation" (Rom. 8:37-39). 


Q: How sure can I be that I’ll finish the race? 

A: "He who starts a good work in you WILL complete it"(Phil. 1:6). 


Q: “What if I fall asleep in when I pray?”

A: “I’ll never leave you” (Deut. 31:8).


Q: One last question… “How long can I stay in heaven?”


A: Eternity on top of eternity (John 3:16).