Leading With Love: Loving is Doing Something (3/4)


Loving is Doing Something

“Do everything in love” (1 Cor. 16:14). In the first post we looked at how God loves the leader. The second spoke to the leader loving the people. This post is a brief look at how the love of God impacts how the leader sees the church as a whole. 


From Feeling to Action

Some are under the impression that love is merely a trivial feeling that comes and goes at whim. Unfortunately, many in our churches today think that God's love works like this as well. The Bible insists that God is not like us and that deeply loves us!  In The Reckless Love of God, chapter 2 is dedicated entirely to looking at the nature of God's compassionate, loving care he feels and extends to the crowds, the few, and even individuals. On page 54 two scholars state "God's compassion, however, went beyond simply feeling the emotion; it was always demonstrated by definite acts that testified to his covenant with Israel." Leader, did you catch that? Don’t dismiss that as disconnected theology that really has no bearing on your leadership. God demonstrated his love by definite acts.

How might this impact the way you go about leading? Telling people about the love of God or even telling the people that you love them is one thing but what would it look like for you to imitate your Heavenly Father and move beyond talk, beyond feelings, into action? And no, I’m not suggesting you pull off any miracles like the flaming torch (Gen. 15:17), making a rainbow in the sky (Gen. 9:13) or shed your blood for the sin of the world (Matt. 26:28). But I am talking about ways of thinking about, speaking of, and approaching the church as a whole.You may be stuck and spinning your wheels and maybe what you need is not a better system, strategy, or structure. Maybe it is love? 

You may be stuck and spinning your wheels and maybe what you need is not a better system, strategy, or structure. Maybe it is love?


Business, Language, and How Far is "Too Far?"

Please don’t hear this as an anti-business, “let’s have no plans, no systems, no strategies" and let’s just “be organic” rant. I enjoy reading HBR, Seth Godin, Forbes, and other business-leadership materials myself. There’s many things that the Church can and should learn from the business world today. In fact, many aren’t afraid to embrace some practices found in the secular marketplace. 

And yet, at the same time, there is the temptation to treat the church strictly like a business and the results are catastrophic. Of course, the Church is business-like in that it is recognized by the government as a tax-exempt institution, there’s a staff, pay roll, and policies in place that are all extremely necessary. Just like in the business world But the pendulum can swing too far in that direction and therein the Church loses her edge, her identity, her focus. 


But the pendulum can swing too far in that direction and therein the Church loses her edge, her identity, her focus.

Here’s what’s interesting–both insiders and outsiders are right for thinking the Church can and should feel different. And most have in their mind “love.” 

Perhaps it all begins with the language leaders use when speaking of the Church. If you don’t believe me that words, language, and communication matters–just consider there’s an entire science out there known as “hermeneutics” that speaks to this reality. Jesus himself taught us that our words reveal what’s really going on in the human heart (Matt. 12:34). So what goes on in the heart leads to speech, and speech impacts everything. Two brief examples will serve us well here. 


The Church as a Whole

One, it is not uncommon for pastors and Christian leaders these days to refer to the local church as an “organization.” The church is not merely an organization.This may seem like a small thing and no big deal, but time and again it proves to be problematic.

The church is not merely an organization.

The Bible uses words like “bride” (Rev. 21:9), “body”, (1 Cor. 12:12), “family” (2 Cor. 6:18), and  and “saints” (1 Cor. 1:2). Leader, what if we spoke of the Church in these terms? How would you go about tending the flock, serving the family


Sunday is Not Game Day

Second, and please don’t hear this as an anti-Sunday rant, discouraging creativity, passion, and excellence when we gather for Sunday worship. Everything absolutely matters from the time someone pulls into parking lot until the time they leave - everything should be done with excellence and intentionality. God most certainly deserves our very best. And yet, leaders sometimes refer to Sunday gatherings as “Game Day.” It makes sense. That’s when everyone is there. But again that’s not biblical language, nor does it flow from or lead to loving one another. When the leaders refer to Sunday as “Game Day”, the people start to believe it and show up for the “big show”, looking to be wowed and amazed by the lights, music, and colorful preaching of the Word. “Game Day” doesn’t help people understand that Jesus is actually interested in their chaotic, mundane, routine, Monday-Saturday. The benediction of “Game Day” theology communicates “See you next week. Hope the next 6 days are good for you.” Sunday is not a day to perform. Sunday is not a day to impress the crowds. Sunday is not a day to show off. Sunday is the Lord’s Day. Sunday is the day that the people Jesus died for gather to worship him. Again, think about how the Bible speaks when the Church "comes together" (1 Cor 14:26) that there is to be the preaching of the word (1 Tim. 4:13) receiving of the sacraments (1 Cor. 11:23-25), prayers to God and for one another (James 5:16) and many other things that reflect lives transformed by Jesus. 

Sunday is not a day to perform.

Leader, think about the language that is bubbling out of your heart. Does it sound like you’ve “been with Jesus” (Acts 4) or does it reflect typical cultural values?