Installed as a Pastor at Redemption Church

This past Sunday I was installed officially as Pastor of Preaching and Theology here at Redemption Church in Seattle, Washington. Jana and I are overwhelmed with joy over where God has placed us and what he has called and empowered us to do by his Holy Spirit and for his glory. 

I became a Christian at the age of 15 and within the first 90 days of knowing Jesus I was convinced that I was called by God to serve him vocationally for as long as he would have me do so. It’s hard to believe that was 21 years ago! Over the last two decades I’ve gotten married --and happily staying that way! 😃, started a family, finished almost 3 post-graduate degrees, planted a church, written a couple of books, served as a pastor in other places, and most certainly, I’ve partied the whole time.

There’s a few of the highlights but there’s a bunch of lowlights, too. My story, like yours, isn’t flawless and I’ve had the wind knocked out of me in some ways that has, by grace, shaped me into the man I am today. 

To be installed as a pastor is a tremendous honor and there’s a whole lot of things I could say about the office of pastor and I plan to do so in the future. For now, I just wanted to say that I’m humbled and more thankful, rested, and excited about Jesus and his work here at Redemption Church than ever before! Serving alongside Pastors Drew and Ben is a lot of fun. Seriously. And we’re eager to see God continue to do great things amongst as we focus on Enjoying Jesus, Loving People, and Making Disciples. 

Jana and I so deeply appreciate the people in our lives who have prayed for us, encouraged us, and stood by us along the way. You are the ones who make a sunny winter Tuesday afternoon in Seattle really special. 

Much love, everyone!