“The moral for systematic theology is clear. No one interpretative community can mine all the treasures of the Word of God by itself. If biblical interpretation is indeed the soul of theology, then theologians had better attend to the global conversation. Reading Scripture with Christians from different parts of the world is invigorating; to be exact, it reinvigorates our tired concepts and categories … the most important contribution of voices from the global South and East has been rehabilitating the importance of interpreting Scripture with the goal of achieving practical wisdom: performing the text in new contexts, staging new parables of the kingdom of God wherever two or three are gathered in Christ’s name. ”
— Kevin Vanhoozer, “‘One Rule to Rule Them All?’ Theological Method in an Era of World Christianity” in Globalizing Theology: Belief and Practice in an Era of World Christianity, ed. Craig Ott and Harold A. Netland (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2006), 122.