Showing Up (to Kindness)

The point of your life and mine is to pay attention. Sex, square footage, and the Seahawks are graces but they are not the point. Showing up is the point. Paying attention is the point. Living is the point. Believe it or not, there are people who are truly alive in this world. You have to keep your eyes peeled to see them because they are not necessarily healthy and wealthy but they are wise. Their wisdom sparkles because they know that all anyone of us has is the present moment. Yesterday really is gone with the wind and tomorrow is no more guaranteed than today was. The wise know just how unfathomably precious life is and that the only way to steward this gift itself is to truly pay attention; to be present. The baby crying in the next room is hardly an inconvenience. The neighbor who leaves the television on all hours of the day is none of your business. The woman running the till is trying her best. Perhaps she has a headache, too? You were meant to appreciate the mist in Seattle this morning. You were meant to take a moment to breathe in stand-still-traffic, not bemoan the “dumb ass” in the orange vest fixing the pothole. You were meant to make eye contact with the man smoking outside of the pharmacy. To be present does as much for your neighbor as it does for you. That’s because if you really show up to the moment, kindness will meet you there.