The Early's in Emerald City







As many of you know, Jana and I took the last year out of any kind of formal ministry to take a break, regroup, and really work on our souls as individuals, our marriage as a couple, our family as a whole, and to really see what God would have us do with our lives in service of the King and his world. We have come to this decision very slowly and in much prayer – involving professional counsel as well as with close confidants, and trusted pastors.

This summer we will be moving back to the city of Seattle to plant our roots, God-willing for the long-haul. We will be joining Redemption Church! Redemption was planted 15 months ago and is a strong, healthy, gospel-centered community of followers of Jesus.

In addition to joining the preaching team, I will be focusing primarily on teaching, mission, leadership and theological development.

Please pray for us, our families, Redemption Church, and the wonderful city of Seattle as we make our journey to the great Pacific Northwest this summer.


#Home #Seattle #EmeraldCity  #PNW #RedemptionChurch