A Prayer for the First Day of School

Father, in your great grace you have provided me/us with the blessing of having our son/daughter, __________. You’ve shown unspeakable kindness to me/us through him/her. From my heart, I thank you for his/her life.

Today not just another day. It is a big day. In fact, it’s really our only day. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow isn’t promised. And on this day, this first day of school, I/we stop to think of and speak to you.


Thank you for the marvelous gift of education and educators. Would you bless, guide, and encourage Principal _______ and he/she leads [school] _________.


Would you give [teacher] Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr. ________ the grace, strength, perseverance, and creativity that they need as they carry out their profession.

Please help our son/daughter to learn, to grow, to listen, and become whole human beings. 

Bless those working in administration, food service, janitorial services, transportation, and safety. 

Would you surround our son/daughter with friends that will speak life and encouragement into our child. Please help our son/daughter to do the same. 


Through Christ Jesus our Lord,

