What is the New Believer's Guide?

Tomorrow, The New Believer’s Guide to the Christian Life: What Will Change, What Won’t, and Why It Matters releases! I thought I’d give a quick blog about it. 

The New Believer’s Guide is a book designed to help Christians set out strong on their journey with God. For the first several years of my faith, I personally struggled with having realistic expectations about what the Christian life is and isn’t. There were times when I thought “Now that I’ve trusted Jesus, everything is going to be smooth sailing, blue skies, and all roses.” Then real life happened and that theological nonsense had to go.


But then there was a season of life that I believed that if I wasn’t suffering immensely then somehow I must getting something wrong. But who actually wants to suffer? Not me. In The New Believers Guide, I want to help believers understand what the Christian life is actually like.


More than that, one major emphasis of the book aims to drive home the relational aspect of our faith. That is to say boldly to the reader – "Your salvation isn't to be understood in terms of economics or contracts. God is not our Divine Employer! He's our Abba, Father! He's out to adopt children, not pick up hired hands. He takes the route of grace. He's the one who initiates, sustains, and empowers us to live the Christian life!" So one thing I try to highlight is what it means to be one of God's beloved children in whom he delights and all that fundamental reality to shape the entire Christian life. 


Lastly, I wanted to help answer some common questions that so many believers have. What is baptism and communion and why do we do those things? Why do we give money to the church? Who is a pastor and what does he or she do? What does it mean to be a church member? What is this whole "community" thing all about? Why be on a mission? I try to take time and answer each one of these questions in a way that is easily understandable.


I'm hoping that this will be a book that Christians who have been in the faith for some time could read along side a new believer and grow together. 


I'm forever grateful for the opportunity to write this and pray it blesses many.